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How to deal with "THAT" client - they arrive late, take forever to sit down, have no clue what they want, give you a blow by blow account of everything that's happened to their nails since their last appointment, wait until you've done all the prep and cleaned their nails ready for products then plunge their hands into their bag, which come out full of fluff and fibres holding a breakfast bar!!!

But you're a professional so you smile through it all and carry on. Throughout the appointment they touch their nails, hold their fingers up and look at them from all angles, constantly asking, "is this bit alright", "is this one a bit shorter", "could I have more glitter in there" (AFTER YOU'VE CAPPED THEM) and so on and so on.

But the worst is yet to come! A few days later a photo of a thumb - no words - just a photo of a thumb! The photo is blurry, dark and you have to somehow work out what the hell it means. Of course you're assuming there's a problem but you can't see anything obvious and you don't really know how to respond. Eventually you have no choice but to message them and ask if there's a problem to which they reply, "it's peeling" or some other nonsense that doesn't make any sense to you.

All this behaviour is only ever coming from the one client . What are you going to do? You're trying to build up your clientele so every customer is valued but this is undermining your confidence and taking all the joy out of your work. Your heart sinks when you know their appointment is due and you just wish they would go somewhere else. But just wishing isn't going to work. It's time to act; they have got to go! It's not easy rejecting someone but you really just need to explain to them that you're obviously not having much success doing their nails and perhaps they will have more luck with a different nail technician. When I had this problem I let them know that I wasn't having these issues with other clients and I also let them know that late arrivals cost me time and money.

You have every right to choose whose nails you do and don't do just as they have the right to choose which nail technician to use. My client tried to argue so I just told her that I felt I had made the right decision, wished her well and thanked her for her business. I then ignored the next message and that was the end of that.

So, take a deep breath and get rid - trust me, you will be so relieved when it's done!

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